Regional Programming
Programming is a great way to get student leaders involved and increase engagement in your community! Although traditionally done by Residence Hall Associations (RHA) or equivalent, programs can be created and implemented by all organizations across the region. Below are some resources and ideas you can find on programming!
The NEACURH Programming Drive is an opportunity to share programs between schools across the region! All programs are featured in the NEACURH Programming Archive below, where you can view resources such as active programs, advocacy programs, bulletin boards, and more! If you have any questions about the Programming Drive, please reach out to Helene at ne_director@nacurh.org.
Please fill out the form below if you want your program featured in regional publications and shared with other schools in the region. Each submission is worth 10 Moosetrack points toward a school.
We have also have a Program Wheel that students can use to get some suggestions and ideas of programming events! The wheel will be updated periodically based on the Programming Drive submissions and other requests. If you want to contribute to the wheel, please fill out the short form below or reach out to Helene at ne_director@nacurh.org.