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Committees and Task Forces are a great leadership opportunity for affiliates to be involved in. Committees are defined in policy and are a year long work group, whereas Task Forces are project focused groups and are created on an as needed basis.
Each year, NEACURH offers a great variety of Committees and Task Forces that focus on regional and member growth. Becoming a member of a Committee or Task Force is a great way to network, strengthen your skills, and create change on a larger level.
Interested in joining? Check out the information below! For any questions contact Helene at
Spring Committees and Task Forces
Conference Selection Committee
Chaired by Helene (Regional Director)
Meet regularly over the academic year
Tasked to select RLC 2025 and SLC 2026 Host Sites through an application process
Will determine and create the contents of Application
Will conduct the selection process
OTM Voting Committee
Chaired by Kiara (ADNRHH)
The OTM Voting Committee meets regularly to vote on OTM Awards.
Will explore ways to innovate the experience of OTM writing in our region.
Will also work to increase engagement for OTM writing within the region.
Policies and Practices
Chaired by Hannah (ADAF)
Will explore the regional policy book in addition to our practices outside of policy
Evaluate policy and practices to ensure NEACURH providing the best experiences possible for affiliates
Assist region in legislation writing and process if needed
Affiliation Task Force
Chaired by Savannah (COEO)
Increase regional affiliate numbers through outreach
Create outreach materials
Communicate and advertise regional practices and services
Research and connect with new potential affiliates
Research and connect with new potential International affiliates
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